Product updates

Product update: We lifted the monthly characters limit!

We removed the monthly character cap, and now only the number of requests will be used to determine monthly usage. There are still limits for characters per request.

Table of content

In order to make even better for you, we decided to lift the monthly characters limit.

Now, what will only be accounted for is the number of requests as well as the limit of characters per request.

What does it mean?

Simply that you get to have a constraint removed when it comes to the number of requests that you can perform on Tinq.


We noticed that the characters limit was being reached faster than the actual requests limit, which left you with unused requests for the month. It made sense to remove that constraint and let you fully enjoy your favorite NLP API!

Your dashboard used to show you your usage like this:

And now, it'll just be this:

Tinq requests

We will still count your characters, but it won't be used to limit your monthly usage.

TL;DR: We removed the monthly character cap, and now only the number of requests will be used to determine monthly usage. There are still limits for characters per request.