Your very own writing assistant

Say goodbye to the blank page syndrome!
Write any type of content, from simple sentences, to more than 2,000+ words essays!

Ready to dive in? Start using Tinq for free today.

Full of features

The features integrated in Tinq AI allow you to write freely and give a little boost to your imagination.

Don't like? Rewrite!

If the text generated conveys the message that you want but is not written like you want it? Just press the rewrite button and Tinq will rewrite it for you automatically.

Summarize in seconds

Use the quick summarizer function to summarize sections of your text that you might deem too long.

Complementary features

Rich text editor

Format your text any way you like. Need bold, underline, italic, or even hyperlinks? Tinq's intuitive interface has it all.

Advanced Writer

When you need your content to be written in a specific way, just specify how long and how creative you want your content.

Save for later

If you need time to finish your amazing piece, feel free to save and come back to finish it anytime you want.

Plagiarism Checker Coming soon

Writing original content is primordial, therefore, Tinq will tell you what looks familiar and how to improve your content!

Tone detector Coming soon

Instantly know how your text sounds to people and how to improve it in order to sound differently.

Import & Export Word & PDF Coming soon

Import and export your documents to & from Word and PDF.

Pricing that makes sense

Whether you need a subscription or buy credits to use, we've got your back.

Flexible pricing

Get access to's all-in-one NLP tools with a single subscription.

What's included

  • Sentiment analysis tool & API access

  • Named-entity recognition tool & API access

  • Content extractor tool & API

  • Paraphrase tool & API access

  • Summarizer tool & API access

  • Writing assistant


Want to try first?

Want to take a look and get yourself an idea of how works?

Use for free, no credit card required. Terms apply.